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How to choose avocado

Skin color: when choosing avocados, choose the dark green ones. The avocados of this color are fully ripe and ready to eat. Skin roughness: touch with the hand slightly, the surface of the normal high-quality avocado is more or less potholed, which is a relatively fresh fruit, on the contrary, if the avocado's skin is very smooth, it may be a sick avocado.

Skin color: the color of avocado is not immutable. With the maturity of avocado, the appearance of avocado will change. When avocado is born, the epidermis will show bright green. With the deepening of maturity, the color of avocado skin will also become darker. When selecting avocado, try to choose avocado whose skin color is dark green. Dark green avocado indicates that it has fully matured. It's ready to eat.

The selection method of avocado to observe the epidermis: the maturity of avocado can be judged by its skin color. The raw avocado is bright green, and the color will gradually darken with the increase of maturity. When choosing and buying, you should choose dark, dark green avocados, which taste better. Feel: when choosing avocados, you should avoid choosing both hard (raw) and too soft (not fresh) ones.

Choose the right season: avocados mature in September, and avocados bought during this period should be the freshest. Observe the color of avocados: green avocados are not ripe, while avocados with dark or even black skin color are ripe. Don't buy them wrong.

Selection method to observe the epidermis: if you want to choose mature avocados, you can observe the epidermis. The raw avocado is bright green, and the more mature it is, the darker the surface will become. Therefore, when you choose something dark and dark green, it means that it is ripe and tastes better. Feel: if the color of the epidermis is not obvious, it can be selected by the touch. When choosing, you can choose neither the hard one nor the soft one.

When selecting avocados, you can choose according to the following points: appearance: choose avocados with dark green or purple skin, the skin should be smooth, there are no obvious bruises or depressions. Touch: gently press the avocado, if there is a little elasticity, it means that the maturity is moderate. If it is too hard, it may not be mature, and if it is too soft, it may be too ripe.

How do avocados get ripe?

Look at the color: not fully ripe avocado, the peel color is relatively green, after it is ripe, the pericarp color will become darker and darker, almost close to black. Pinch soft and hard: ripe avocados feel softer when pressing its peel with their hands. If they feel hard when pressing with their hands, it means that avocados are not ripe yet.

Appearance: ripe avocados are usually dark green or black with slight depressions and wrinkles on the surface. The immature avocado is lighter in color and smooth in surface. Press: press the avocado. If you feel it has certain elasticity, it means that the avocado is ripe. If it feels very hard, it means that the avocado is not yet ripe; if it feels very soft, it may be overripe. Taste: ripe avocados taste sweet, while immature avocados taste lighter.

Look: when avocados lose their bright green color and begin to turn black, the best time to eat avocados is coming; hand touch: avocados of the best edible period begin to soften slightly, and they can be used with a soft pinch. Pressing: it is difficult to judge what many people see, so when we buy it, we mostly rely on the feeling of pressing or pinching the fruit with our hands to judge the maturity of avocado.

The method of judging whether the avocado is ripe or not there is a pedicel at the top of the avocado, peeling off the pedicel, showing a dark brown color, indicating that the avocado is ripe. After cutting, there will be red silk inside. If the pedicel is light green, it means it is not ripe, and the pedicel is golden yellow, which is the best ripe state.

How to choose ripe avocados

Check hardness: ripe avocados should have a certain degree of softness, but not particularly soft. You can gently press the avocado to feel its hardness. If the avocado is hard, it may not be fully ripe; if it is too soft, it may be overripe. Observe the color: the color of avocado will change from bright green to dark green or even yellow during ripening.

Observation color: the skin color of avocado is a key index to judge the maturity. Ripe avocados usually have a dark green or near-black color and have a smooth surface. If the avocado is light green, it may not be fully ripe; if the surface is brown or black, it may be overripe. It should be noted that some avocado varieties have little change in color when they mature, so color judgment alone may not be accurate.

Skin color: when choosing avocados, choose the dark green ones. The avocados of this color are fully ripe and ready to eat. Skin roughness: touch with the hand slightly, the surface of the normal high-quality avocado is more or less potholed, which is a relatively fresh fruit, on the contrary, if the avocado's skin is very smooth, it may be a sick avocado.

How to choose avocados

1. How to touch the appearance: if you want to choose avocados with good maturity, you can touch them with your hands. To choose potholes with small bumps on the surface, this description is more fresh. If the surface is too smooth, it may be infected with disease, but not good. Look at the epidermis: good avocados can also be seen on the epidermis. Raw is bright green, the color with good maturity will be darker, and the whole is dark green.

2. Choose the right season: avocados mature in September, and the avocados bought during this period should be the freshest. Observe the color of avocados: green avocados are not ripe, while avocados with dark or even black skin color are ripe. Don't buy them wrong.

3. When selecting avocados, you can touch the skin of avocados with your hands. If the skin of avocados is coarse and grainy, it means that avocados are relatively fresh. If avocados have very smooth skin, they may be sick avocados. Skin scars need to be carefully examined when selecting avocados. Do not pick avocados with skin scars. Avocados with skin scars may have gone bad inside and are not suitable for purchase.